I'm singing in the rain...!!!

T-shirt: Zara
Cardigan: Mango
Necklace: Stradivarius
Belt: C&A
Bracelets: Orsay
Boots: Random

I woke up and went to the window. Raining as always...Why on Earth it's still this HORRIBLE weather in April? Not to mention I quite spend all my pocket money on taxis everyday because my little Balmain umbrella can't face such a non-stoping storm.
And still..what was good at this day? I checked my mail and saw that the lovely Alice from Alice&Sara-"Dulapul bunicii" wrote me that I should be receving my prize today. What prize you may wonder. Well, the amazing ladies thought they should organise a GIVEAWAY on Nookie's blog, which happens to be one of my favourites!
When I entered, I was 100% sure I wasn't going to win because, well... I'm not lucky at these kind of things so imagine how stupefied and happy I was when I picked the package today!!!
What did I receive? A funky/rock/urban chic headband which I'm gonna post in a few days and some feather earrings! And the thing that I loved most is that they're handmade and with such a high quality!

I wrote in one of my previous posts that I own a unique brand new peacock but I wasn't sure how to emphasize until few hours ago, when I saw these amazing accesories and I just think they were meant to be together, I mean, worn together, don't you think so???

Thank you, Alice&Sara! :)

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