Equation/ Love Story

Equation/Love Story

Equation/Love Story by MaryLu1 on Polyvore.com

This season it was the SHOES revelation! And why do I say this? After a long live trend of buying Miu Miu shoes fashionistas all over the world made it quite clear that it was time to purchase 2 pair of shoes  this spring- Jeffrey Campbell Litas and Jessica Simpson- Dany Platforms.

Athough I've heard enough nasty comments and complaints about how these pair of shoes appear on anyone's (how can actually afford buying ) blog, I'm so in love with Dany myself. Litas are amazing too and they can be so easily matched to everything. The point is I don't like them only because they are considered right now -  HAUTE ITEMS. I love how heavenly the leg looks like thanks to them and I seriously think everytime I see a pair worn on a blog "How hard is it to actually walk in those?"

After a deep search through all my favorite blogs- I've found over 15 featuring Dany Platform and somewhere around 30 with Litas. I know for sure I'll never have money to actually own a pair- but I can still dream and show you my favorite pictures and looks with people wearing them:

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