Hi :)
I know that i didn't post a few days, but I was busy.
I was a volunteer for Balkan Junior Champs 2012.
The 2012 Balkan Junior Swimming Championship is organized by the Serbian Swimming Federation in accordance with the agreement made between the following Balkan countries:
Albania (ALB), Bulgaria (BUL), FYR Macedonia (MKD), Montenegro (MNE), Moldova (MDA), Greece (GRE), Cyprus (CYP), Turkey (TUR), Romania (ROM), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) and Serbia (SRB).
It was realy awesome and i met some great people :)
I hope i will find some photos from competition to show you.:)
Here is my big dream shoe wishlist:
1.Louboutin heels ♥
2.Jeffrey Campbell
3.Vans :)
4.Platform wedges
5.Biker boots
6.Red Converse (I bought it few weeks ago)
Do you have your big dream wishlist?What's your fav thing from my wishlist?
Much love,Magdalena ♥