She'd dreamed of Paradise


♪ Coldplay- Paradise ♪

Hello there, my dear readers! I hope your week started just as amazing as mine. It has been my second day of Florence and I am simply stunned of how many things I have managed to visit and learn about in such a short time. Of course, this also happened due to the fact I have researched on the artists and works of art which I could find here. It's a whole different thing to know what you're looking at and not struggling to read those flyers.

If you are following and have enough time I would like to describe my schedule during these days:

1st day - We arrived quite late because the highway was so full, so we had less hours for ourselves than expected. Still, I managed  to see the great Duomo and the Baptistery, with its gates made by Ghiberti and called by Michelangelo 'the gates of paradise'. I cannot properly explain what I felt when I was observing the scenes from the old and new Testament.  The arhitecture of the city is so complex yet elegant, it's incredible how everything creates such a strong visual impact. We went later in front of the Pitty Palace, where I took the incredible photo of my cousin's dress, which was a hit on the Facebook page. Yes, that's right, my cousin Ioana who is the official photographer of my blog. Such a stylish girl, love youu, my dear! I attached the picture in this post too, by the way. There are no pictures of myself from the 1st day because I was so enchanted by the city that I was taking photos of the buildings and being the tourist guide of our family.

2nd day - I wore a mint jumpsuit I bought in Budapest one year ago from H&M, super comfy and paired it with my new sandals, from Florence, which are exactly the same colour of the details from my jumpsuit! Talking about purchase, I bought three Vogue Magazines so far because they are cheaper than in Romania. I only need Vogue Russia and I will feel complete.

Anyways, back to the visits, we started our morning with Santa Maria Novella because I am obsessed with Ghirlandaio's work. However, I also became fond of Massacio and Giotto once I saw the whole cathedral, which was pure perfection. Later we went to Medici Chapel because I was also psyched to see Michelangelo's work (I know, I am such a nerd sometimes!) and also to the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum and I became more aware of how much of a genius he was. In the afternoon, we went to Santa Croce to see Gitto's work and later we had a little shopping session.

Be aware, there are lots of photos and I tried to describe each landscape! Love you all! x

H&M jumpsuit, Humanic sandals, Zara denim shirt, Accessorize ring 
The gates of Paradise-  Ghiberti

Pitti Palace- really close to my hotel, we love coming here to relax. Here I was a little tired , yet happy for finding Mila Kunis on the cover of Elle.


Santa Croce- loved it!

Medici Chapel& Palace


Pitti Palace- my love!!!!

 My favourite drink around here, with honey&lemon and my new purse from Accessorize

Santa Maria Novella- such a complex cathedral


Medici Palace in the background


Getting ready to enter in Santa Maria Novella. I had to wear the denim shirt (with 30 degrees outside!) in order to be allowed in.


Big hug&smile for everyone!


My incredible cousin, Ioana. Thank you for bearing with me, you are the most awesome photographer!
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